A Channel of Eternal Blessing
We are thrilled to be included in Heaven’s providences to draw Thai hearts to Jesus!
For some time, Marilee has been helping a neighbor overcome a life-threatening health condition. Now our happy friend is actively involved in telling others about the compassion and practical help she has been receiving. Now the farm owner where this woman works has ben diagnosed with a serious illness. She has responded by asking to meet Marilee so that she can benefit by some of the same lifestyle changes. We praise God for the precious initial meeting we had with this respected Thai lady fighting for her life and health.
Please pray for us to have God’s guidance and blessing as we seek to be a channel of eternal blessing to our new friend. Our desire is to receive from Jesus increasing victory in soul-winning.
From our hearts seeking oneness in revealing Christ,
Mike & Marilee
To support Mike and Marilee’s ministry with an on-line financial gift, go to: <https://jesus4asia.org/invest/country-thailand/volunteer-ministry-international/>.