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September 2020

Something amazing happened on the last day of June. I (Jonathan) finished all the video editing that I had for Jesus for Asia! That’s the first time in over 4 years that I haven’t had videos waiting to be edited. It actually felt quite weird, but in a good way. Don’t worry though; we didn’t get bored. A couple days later, a fellow missionary here in Thailand had an accident and was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks. We kept ourselves busy helping them. And then we went on a 3-week road trip around Thailand to visit missionaries and also shoot a couple videos. It was a blessing to see God working! You can watch this video to hear one story. Thanks for your prayers and support! 


To learn more about Jonathan and Hannah’s mission in Thailand, click on their vlog at: Mission Viewfinder

To support Jonathan and Hannah’s ministry with an online gift go to Jesus4asia.org