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Come and See! (Read John 1:35-51)

As we look around us today, we may be fearful of the future. We may also be concerned about where our country and society are headed. We may have our own theory about the seeming conspiracies that surround us. We may look and believe we know the truth about what is going on. Those of us who have grown up in the church have spent a lot of time worrying about the conspiracies that surround the end of time. I'm not saying we should be unaware of our surroundings. But there are two realities: one is the heavenly unseen reality, and the other is the earthly seen reality. Paul wrote: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:17, 18). We know that this world will waste away. There are many of our family members, friends, and neighbors who feel the same way we do as they watch things unfold. So, this is our time. This is the time when every one of us is called to be on deck. This is the time when we can still reach out and touch people who are near to us because they are searching for answers. Maybe God has allowed current events to wake us up to what is important, to see the unseen eternal reality. We know that we will lose all of our earthly support one day, but God has promised that, if we seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all our needs will be met. As a pastor, my greatest desire is that each of you will have your own personal relationship with Jesus, that even when we lose all earthly support, we would not lose faith, but continue to trust Him and follow Him. So now is the time to lovingly reach out to our family, friends, and neighbors to show them that we care and that Jesus has brought us peace and hope.

In The Desire of Ages, page 141, we read that the foundation of the Christian Church was laid by personal effort. John directed two of his disciples to Christ. One of these, Andrew, called his brother Simon Peter and his friend Philip. Philip called Nathaniel. Nathaniel was searching and wanted to know what was true. His friend Philip did not argue but said, "Come and see." When Jesus said to Nathaniel that he had seen him praying in his secret place under a fig tree, Nathaniel believed. Then Jesus said, "If that impressed you, you ain't seen nothing yet." (That was my paraphrase.) Jesus told him that all the resources of Heaven would be opened to us. Angels will be sent to help us. The Holy Spirit will come with power. Jesus is calling you to share what you know about the character of God. May they see Jesus in our lives. Let us focus on what is eternal, not on what is temporary. All we have to say is: "Come and See."

Lovingly in the name of Jesus,

Pastor Merrill

P.S. Here is a simple way to share. Use the conference outreach website to share with family, friends, and neighbors. maxlifeevents.com.

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